Getting clear how you intend to emerge post COVID-19
Here’s a simple way to set your intention and communicate your north star to your team and stakeholders. Start from a high level and work down into the details.
Defining this level of intention provides an anchor everyone can get around. It’s important to develop this intention in-line with minimising exposure and deciding how your brand shows up.
How to get started.
- Access the range of options against your resources – current and potential
- Form an opinion of how your competitive landscape will evolve; demand, value, competition and fulfilment
- Re-value your strengths and weaknesses through the lens of now and next.
Choose your desired outcome and clearly state your appetite (and necessity) for change
Questions for your team
- Summarise your focus and intention – how consistent is the narrative across the organisation?
- How aligned are you with your business partners and stakeholders? Could you help build knowledge to align with by asking them to map their business intentions and approach? This could highlight opportunities where you can work together.
- Do you have confidence your approach will align with the resulting competitive landscape we emerge into?
- Are we clear on the assumptions we have made?
- How regularly should we check in on our decisions to ensure we are still on track?
- Are we prepared to shift approach and what would be the triggers?